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more disappointed

  • 基本解释:disappointed(失望的)的比较级形式
  • more disappointed 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • disappointed(失望的)的比较级形式

more disappointed 相关例句更多>

  • I was more disappointed than discouraged.
    我是失望, 而不是泄气。
  • No one is more disappointed in me than me.
  • She was disappointed that he hadn't opened up more.
  • Tom was no more surprised than disappointed at this news.
  • and would be disappointed with his more reserved persona.
  • He had never been doing a job more than half a year, so we were disappointed with him.
    我们对他失望了, 他做什么工作都不能超过半年。
  • He looked disappointed with my response, so I shrugged once more and turned away from him.
    听了我的回答, 他失望地注视着我。我再次耸了耸肩, 转过身去。
  • He enjoys a great reputation, but he was disappointed when I saw him today. Therefore, he is more in name than in reality.
  • Some people believe football is a matter of life and death, I am very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that.




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