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  • 基本解释:Digital Image Data 数字影象数据
  • DID 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 缩写词(abbr.) Digital Image Data 数字影象数据
  • DID 大小写变形: did


  • Didon (Didon)人名;(法、瑞典)迪东
  • diddle 骗取,诈取
  • didn't did not 没有
  • Didymus [人名] 迪代默斯
  • didymus 睾丸
  • diddles 骗取,诈取( diddle的第三人称单数 )
  • diddled 骗取,诈取( diddle的过去式和过去分词 )
  • diddling 骗取,诈取( diddle的现在分词 )
  • candidates 报考者( candidate的名词复数 )
  • epididymides 附睾,副睾( epididymis的名词复数 )


DID 相关例句更多>

  • He did. He absolutely did.
  • Abel did what God asked him to do but Cain did not.
    亚伯照着神所吩咐的去做, 但该隐却没有。
  • Did did you say anything to her? Did she say anything to you?
  • But the lawyer did not ask Hanna, and she did not speak of her own accord.
  • Why did you accuse him of answering back when all he did was to explain the situation?
  • She did not feel she had any sound reason to rebut him, although she still did not find it acceptable.
    她觉得自己也没有充分的理由可以反驳他, 虽然心里是不服。
  • We did Earth, we did Mars, we did twice Earth again, and we also flew by two asteroids, Lutetia and Steins.
  • Did it more than double, did it remain about the same in the world as a whole, or did it decrease to less than half?
    是翻倍了 还是在全世界范围内总体不变 还是下降了一半呢
  • What percentage of your college did you college did you pay for and what sort of jobs did you have while you were in school
  • Did you see my wife, did you see, Did you see my wife looking for me? She wears a straw bonnet, wit white ribbons on it, And dimity petticoats over her knee.




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