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  • 基本解释:digital interface control equipment 数字接口控制设备;digital interface countermeasure equipment 数字接口对抗设备;digital intercontinental conversion equipment 数字洲际转换设备;diagnoses for intensive care evaluation 重症监护诊断评估
  • DICE 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 缩写词(abbr.) digital interface control equipment 数字接口控制设备
  • 缩写词(abbr.) digital interface countermeasure equipment 数字接口对抗设备
  • 缩写词(abbr.) digital intercontinental conversion equipment 数字洲际转换设备
  • 缩写词(abbr.) diagnoses for intensive care evaluation 重症监护诊断评估
  • DICE 大小写变形: Dicedice


  • dice 骰子
  • Dice [人名] 戴斯
  • dices 骰子( dice的名词复数 )
  • diced 将…切成小方块,切成丁( dice的过去式和过去分词 )
  • Codice (Codice)人名
  • bodices 妇女连衣裙的上身,妇女紧身马甲,妇女紧身胸衣( bodice的名词复数 )
  • prejudice 偏见
  • jaundices 黄疸病(jaundice的复数形式)
  • prejudices 成见,偏见,歧视( prejudice的名词复数 )


DICE 相关例句更多>

  • I sat down and saw the box and dice go round apace.
  • You almost feel like you can control the turn of the dice.
  • The foulmouthed comic Andrew Dice Clay was host that night.
  • They're All Alike Under the Dice. Or Phosphors. Or What Have You.
    一切皆由骰子, 磷光体, 或者你所有的决定!
  • My trip to London was on Ana's behalf, my last throw of the dice.
    我代表安娜去了伦敦, 那是我最后的冒险。
  • My trip to London was on Ana's behalf, my last throw of the dice.
  • So Baoyu was left to amuse himself with the other maids at dice or draughts.
    因此, 宝玉只和众丫头们掷骰子赶围棋作戏。
  • Paper can be folded with origami techniques to make dice for fun dice games.
  • Clean, soak and dice the dried squid finely. Peel and dice the water chestnuts.
    土鱿洗净浸软后切小粒, 马蹄去皮切小粒, 待用
  • Then he spawns a Dice monster with ATK and DEF equal to the combined total of the dice times10.




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