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  • 单词发音:英 [ ˈfɜ:və(r) ] 美 [ ˈfəvɚ ]
  • 基本解释:n.热情(美作:fervor)
  • fervour 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 热烈,热情

fervour 相关例句更多>

  • arouse sb.s revolutionary fervour
  • The speech aroused nationalist fervour.
  • Fervour, charity, union in Jesus Christ.
    热情, 爱德, 在耶稣基督内的合一。
  • fervour great warmth of emotion ardor zeal passion
    热烈热情, 热心, 热诚
  • Fifth, lets not be too ashamed of selective moral fervour.
    第五, 不要对我们挑剔的道德热情太过于羞愧。
  • No guile disguised the fervour of love which animated her heart
  • Her advantage rested where advantage never fails to rest, in moral fervour.
    她优于别人的地方在于她的精神热诚, 这种优势牢不可破。
  • she cried , springing to the defence of the absent one with all her fervour.
    她喊道, 满腔热情地为不在她跟前的那个人辩护。
  • keep alive the fervour of youth keep alive at all times ones youthful fervour
  • Always unassuming and easily approachable, Rewi Alley spoke with fervour and assurance so that perplexities could be solved and lacunas filled.
    艾黎平易近人, 尊重事实, 在娓娓而谈中为他们释疑解惑。




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