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  • 单词发音:英 [ kəʊ'faʊndə ] 美 [ koʊ'faʊndə ]
  • 基本解释:n.共同创办人,共同创始人
  • cofounder 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 共同创办人,共同创始人

cofounder 相关例句更多>

  • CEO and cofounder of Blizzard Entertainment in a statement.
  • and a cofounder of a clerical pressure group against the Vietnam war.
  • Prior to GSR, Sonny was the cofounder of Asia Wireless Technology Corp.
    创立金沙江基金以前, 伍伸俊是亚洲无线科技创始人。
  • WenXiu Wang, Professor, Ph. D. , cofounder of the Department of Medical Oncology.
    王文秀, 教授, 博士生导师, 肿瘤内科创始人之一。
  • And coming home, my cofounder and I, we looked at it, and we said, there are two problems.
    回来过后,我和我的伙伴 审视了情况,发现两个问题。
  • Group Leader of Agricultural Genomics, Maxygen, Inc. Cofounder and Research Director, Tellus Genetics, Inc.
  • As cofounder and lead scientist of San Franciscobased Posit Sciencehis latest ventureMerzenich oversaw testing programs centered on research hes done for three decades on brain plasticity.




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