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  • 单词发音:英 [ bɔːn ] 美 [ bɔːrn ]
  • 基本解释:出生;天生;形成,产生(仅用于被动语态)
  • born 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 动词(v.) 出生
  • 动词(v.) 天生
  • 动词(v.) 形成,产生(仅用于被动语态)
  • 形容词(adj.) 天生的
  • born 大小写变形: Born


  • suborn 行贿,教唆[买通]…作伪证
  • Osborne [人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 奥斯本 Osborn的变体
  • Stuborn (Stuborn)人名
  • freeborn 生而自由的,自由民的,适于自由民的
  • liveborn 活产的,活胎产的(与stillborn相对)
  • stubborn 顽固的,固执的
  • Freeborn [人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 弗里伯恩身份名称,生来就是自由民,来源于古英语,含义是“自由的+诞生”(free+born)
  • suborning 行贿,受贿,贿赂
  • stubbornly 倔强地,顽强地,顽固地
  • stubbornness 倔强,顽强


born 相关例句更多>

  • When was Ann born She was born July, 1978.
    安什么时候出生的 她出生于1978年7月。
  • Every time a child is born, an Adam is born.
  • I was born, but I wasn't born yesterday, son.
    别糊弄我, 我可不是小孩。
  • When were you born I was born on August 1 st, 1988.
    你什么时候出生的 我出生在1988年8月1日。
  • My grandmother was born in 1919, while my grandfather was born in 1917.
  • He is a born commander, and would have been a general if born in the years of war.
  • Umbrella room type cyme, axil is born or the top is born, scattered, slue is spent.
    伞房式聚伞花序, 腋生或顶生, 疏散, 有极多花。
  • Greenery foils the beauty of flowers was born? I was born a foil the beauty of you.
  • Beautiful platoon is born into the top or axil is born or the cyme with foliaceous opposite.
  • If we force them to be the born virtues, they dont gear with us, or even obsess us because these artificial codes of conduct are not the essence of our born virtues.
    因为, 这种人为的行为规范, 终究不是来自人类天之天的根本。





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