- 基本解释:barrels per day 桶/日(指产油量);boxes per day 每日箱数;broncho-pulmonary dysplasia 支气管肺发育异常
- bpd 是什么意思及中文翻译:
- 缩写词(abbr.) barrels per day 桶/日(指产油量)
- 缩写词(abbr.) boxes per day 每日箱数
- 缩写词(abbr.) broncho-pulmonary dysplasia 支气管肺发育异常
- bpd 大小写变形: BPD
- BPD barrels per day <日>桶(用于表示石油产量等)
- BPDC Berkeley Particle Data Center <美国>伯克利粒子数据中心
- BPDP Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators and Paperhangers <美国>油漆工,装饰工和裱糊工工会
- BPDU bridge protocol data unit 网桥协议数据单元
- BPDMS basic point defence missile system 基点防御导弹系统
- CBPDC Canadian Book and Periodical Development Council 加拿大图书和期刊开发委员会
bpd 相关例句更多>
- People with BPD are often bright, witty, funny, life of the party.
- Neglect. Some people with BPD describe severe deprivation, neglect and abandonment during childhood.
儿童时期遭忽视, 遭抛弃, 遭严重剥夺。