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  • 单词发音:英 [ ˈdekədənt ] 美 [ ˈdɛkədənt, dɪˈkednt ]
  • 基本解释:堕落的,颓废的;文艺颓废期的,颓废派的;衰微的
  • decadent 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 形容词(adj.) 堕落的,颓废的
  • 形容词(adj.) 文艺颓废期的,颓废派的
  • 形容词(adj.) 衰微的


decadent 相关例句更多>

  • otherwise, the Party will become decadent.
    如果不整, 党确实要腐朽。
  • The decadent puppet regime was falling apart.
  • I don't like the decadent opinion in the article.
  • For when the sun decadent decadent rock fall when I sat staring.
  • Please do not do anything that would let me decadent things considered, I beg you.
    请不要做任何会让我考虑腐朽的东西, 我求你。
  • Additionally, it provides a little caffeine, as well as a satisfyingly decadent feeling.
  • She was tired of analysis and subtlety and all the accessories of a decadent civilization.
  • Superb but not extravagant, simple but not stuffy, exquisite but not decadent, splendent but not arrogant.
    华而不奢, 简而不乏, 精而不靡, 大气而不张狂。
  • Before the candy bar gate, the decadent paper money is curled up once more, ignition, cigarette ash deflecting.
    糖果酒吧门前, 黄色的纸钱再次被卷起, 点燃, 烟灰飞散。
  • Because crafty and fawning officials are in charge of the imperial government, the country is becoming more and more decadent.
    佞臣当道, 致使国势颓败。




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