- 单词发音:英 [ kaɪ ] 美 [ kaɪ ]
- 基本解释:n.希腊字母的第 22字
- chi 是什么意思及中文翻译:
- 名词(n.) 希腊字母的第 22字
- chi 大小写变形: CHIChiChI
- chi 词态变化: 复数: chis
- CHI Chicago 芝加哥
- Chi China 中国
- ChI 头顶-足跟长度
- chip 炸薯条,炸薯片
- CHIP child health insurance plan 儿童健康保险计划
- Chis Chiapas (inhabitants—Chiapanecos) 恰帕斯(墨西哥南部一州)
- CHIS China hospital information system 中国医院信息系统
- chill (使)冷却
- archive 档案(馆)
chi 相关例句更多>
- Ro Yeah, well, you didnt know Chi Chi.
- Tzu Chi Still Thought Hall and Tzu Chi Figures
- Mu Chi Chi's fame because of its two pairs hotel named light garden.
因其慕戚继光之英名, 遂将宾馆命名为光园。
- Be grabbed a package even now, the Ni gram utters Chi Chi not to talk.
- Chi onora uno stolto fa come chi getta una gemma in un mucchio di sassi.
把荣耀给愚昧人的, 就像人把石子系在投石器上。
- In Chi Gong therapy, Chi radiated by a Chi Gong master is called external Chi.
- His life is very dull and insipid , and all he does is to have fun with his pet, Chi CHi.
他的生活十分苦闷乏味, 终日只与他的宠物芝芝为伴。
- Rush toward Chi, rush toward Chi, have already smiled to array low dark Wei to mingle boy yet and smile last.
- The Tai Chi Chuan Health Assembly will organize competitions and exchanges of specific traditional Tai Chi Chuan.
- The second year the king of the state of Chi, an ally of Chao, ordered his generals Tien Chi and Sun Pin to aid Chao with their troops.
第二年, 齐国国君命田忌, 孙膑率军救赵。