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  • 单词发音:英 [ ˈsəʊfə ] 美 [ ˈsoʊfə ]
  • 基本解释:[地名] [乍得] 索法
  • Sofa 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • [地名] [乍得] 索法
  • Sofa 大小写变形: SOFAsofa


  • sofa 沙发
  • SOFA Socially Oriented For Action 社会行动导向
  • sofar 水底测音装置
  • SOFAA Society of Fine Art Auctioneers 美术品拍卖者协会
  • SOFAS survivable optical forward acquisition sensor 可存光敏探测传感器
  • sofas survivable optical forward acquisition sensor 可存光敏探测传感器
  • SOFAR sound finding (of fixing) and ranging 声发,声波定位和测距系统
  • USofAF Under Secretary of the Air Force 在空军部长之下
  • insofar 在这个范围,到这种程度


Sofa 相关例句更多>

  • Together they were able to lift the sofa.
  • recline on a pillow, a sofa, a grassy bank.
  • Let's make a bed, a sofa, a chair and a table.
    让我们制作一张床, 一个沙发, 一把椅子和一张桌子。
  • Love is cuddling on a sofa Marriage is deciding on a sofa
  • The sofa is an old antique sofa given to be by my mum and dad.
    沙发是个老古董, 我父母给我的。
  • Upholstery sofa, hotel furniture, Europe and America style sofa
    真皮及布艺沙发, 酒店家具, 欧美风格家具
  • I changed boot to enter into a alive room and sat down aboard the sofa.
    我换了鞋进到客厅, 在沙发上坐下。
  • In the building, snatches to the sofa that happily does? You have not sat the sofa?
  • The material of sofa also divides qualitative sofa of coriaceous, cloth art, woodiness and cane to wait.
  • Sofa appropriate is soft hard moderate, too hard or too soft sofa can sit the waist is acerbitily backache.




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