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status need

  • 单词发音:英 [ ˈsteitəs ni:d ] 美 [ ˈstetəs nid ]
  • 基本解释:身份需求;地位需求
  • status need 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 身份需求;地位需求

status need 相关例句更多>

  • Consequently, there's no need to check a status code.
    因此, 在那里无需检查状态码。
  • Our department doesn't need newcomers to disturb the status quo.
  • A battery status indicator flashes when batteries need recharging.
  • the last thing we need is to lose our status as a transplant center.
  • Moreover, there was a need to examine the relationship of the principle to the right of asylum and the status of refugees.
  • We need to use different kind of respected phrases for people with different status, different age, and different relationship.
    我们对不同身份, 不同年龄, 不同关系的人要用不同的敬语。
  • What distinguishes this T-shirt moment from other T-shirt high points is that tees no longer need to be relegated to ordinary clothing status.




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