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speed up

  • 单词发音:英 [ spiːd ʌp ] 美 [ spiːd ʌp ]
  • 基本解释:(使)加速;开快车;加紧;增速
  • speed up 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • (使)加速
  • 开快车
  • 加紧
  • 增速

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  • This system helps speed up access times.
  • Know when to speed up and when to speed down.
    你要知道什么时候该读快, 什么时候该读慢。
  • Policy, will speed up the home decoration, the shuffle speed.
  • These dark particles absorb more heat and so further speed up the melt.
    这些黑色物质吸收更多得热量, 从而进一步加速冰融化。
  • Speed up the settings menu button, you can set its own desired speed up the keys.
  • We can speed up construction and raise our working efficiency with the accelerating agent.
  • Such as the inward or outward off the ball to slow down or speed up the feather ball speed.
  • The action heats up and Valero seems to diversify his attack, changing his pitch speed up.
  • We should accelerate our research in atomic power generation and speed up the building of atomic power plants.
    我们要加快原子能发电的研究, 加速原子能电站的建设。
  • In order to speed up the process of vegetation restoration in the abandoned quarry, artificial measures should be taken.

speed up的近反义词




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