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lawful right

  • 单词发音:英 [ ˈlɔ:fəl rait ] 美 [ ˈlɔfəl raɪt ]
  • 基本解释:合法权利
  • lawful right 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 合法权利

lawful right 相关例句更多>

  • It's the right thing, the lawful thing.
    这是正正当当得事情, 是法律所容许得事情。
  • Seeing the Silent Right from the Angle of Lawful Rights
  • Corporal punishment serious infringement childs lawful right.
  • At least, he is a lawful citizen whose speech right has not yet been deprived.
    最起码, 他还是一个合法公民, 话语权并未被剥夺。
  • of property and their right to compensation for lawful deprivation of their property.
    征用财产的补偿应相当于该财产当时的实际价值, 可。
  • Children born out of wedlock enjoy the same right of inheritance as children born in lawful wedlock.
  • In the real life, the land policy expresses to encroach upon citizens lawful right, the land management also present chaotic aspect.
    针对这一问题, 文章提出了对土地政策进行规范。
  • A Green Card, is evidence of your status as a lawful permanent resident with a right to live and work permanently in the United States.




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