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money making

  • 单词发音:英 [ ˈmʌni ˈmeɪkɪŋ ] 美 [ ˈmʌni ˈmekɪŋ ]
  • 基本解释:牟利
  • money making 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 牟利

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  • The Greatest Money Making Asset That Will Make You A Fortune
    最赚钱得资产, 使你发财
  • He shamelessly admits that his main interest is in making money.
  • As to family finance, making money is more important than spending money.
  • Combine those four technical skills and making money with money is easier.
    将上述四种专业技能结合起来, 以钱生钱就会容易得多。
  • Taobao shop open automatically recharge how much money to spend ? Making money?
  • A lot of people making a lot of money, billion, billions of dollars accumulating.
    很多赚大钱的人 积累了几十亿
  • Your creative ability will surface, giving you good ideas for ways of making money.
  • The one essential ingredient to making money with money and keeping it is having an organized effort.
  • Shopkeepers should report all the received and collected money, making their customers clear about their purchase.
    营业员要做到唱收唱付, 让顾客心中有数。
  • I think he is probably making too much money, getting too much education adulation to put himself through the immegranter meet grinder again.
    我认为他可能正在努力筹集资金, 说服大众支持他再次参选。




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