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Assyrian people

  • 基本解释:亚述人
  • Assyrian people 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 亚述人

Assyrian people 相关例句更多>

  • Jewish heroine who saved her people by decapitating the Assyrian general Holofernes
  • Some people say that Ashurbanipal's death heralded the collapse of the Assyrian Empire.
  • The Assyrian was allowed for a season to oppress the LORDs people, but there came a time for his power to be broken.
  • There will be a countless number of Assyrian casualties, dead bodies without count. People are stumbling over dead people all over the city.
    将会有数不清的伤亡人数, 人们都只能在死人堆里行走。




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