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argue down

  • 单词发音:英 [ ˈɑ:ɡju: daun ] 美 [ ˈɑrɡju daʊn ]
  • 基本解释:辩得(某人)无话可说
  • argue down 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 辩得(某人)无话可说

argue down 相关例句更多>

  • Jane tries to argue down everyone she meets.
  • Sinner down, kelly, no point of argue with him.
    冷静些凯利, 没有必要同他争论。
  • Dont try to argue with him till hes cooled down.
  • He wanted to argue but his audience cried him down.
  • Don't argue with Mr Fox, he'll shoot you down in flames!
    不要和福克斯先生争吵, 他会反对你。
  • Don't argue aimlessly. Let's sit down and talk stuff over.
  • Don't argue aimlessly. Let's sit down and talk things over.
  • I tried to argue down, but she still insisted upon doing so.
    我极力说服她, 但她仍坚持如此做。
  • I won't argue with you now. let's talk it over when you've calmed down.
    我不同你计较, 等你气消了再说。
  • It won't run Java, though the designers maintain that this is a feature, not a bug they argue that Java slows down page loading and seldom offers more than window dressing.




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