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exchange rate

  • 单词发音:英 [ iksˈtʃeindʒ reit ] 美 [ ɪksˈtʃendʒ ret ]
  • 基本解释:汇率,兑换率
  • exchange rate 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 汇率,兑换率
  • exchange rate 词态变化: 复数: exchange rates

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exchange rate 相关例句更多>

  • Currency exchange is quieter after the government's statement on exchange rate.
  • Increase the flexibility of the RMB exchange rate, exchange rate more reasonable.
    人民币汇率弹性增大, 汇率水平更趋合理。
  • The RMB exchange rate regime with the anticipation of the rising RMB exchange rate
  • Under the managed floating exchange rate regime, exchange rates always fluctuate acutely.
  • Dollar weakness against the euro exchange rate, but remained steady against yen exchange rate.
    美元对欧元汇率走软, 但对日元汇率保持平稳。
  • As a floating exchange rate system, often violent yen exchange rate fluctuations significantly.
    作为一个浮动汇率制度下, 通常是暴力日元汇率波动显着。
  • Analysis of Currency Mismatch, Foreign Exchange Reserve Management and Exchange Rate System Selection
    货币错配, 外汇储备管理与汇率制度选择
  • The Bank is hereby authorized to effect any necessary currency exchange rate of exchange then prevailing.
    本行获授权用本行厘订的汇率, 以执行任何所需的货币兑换。
  • The Government relaxed controls on the exchange rate, exchange rate fluctuations become increasingly severe.
  • The exchange rate of the Renminbi remained stable, and the country's foreign exchange reserves increased continuously.




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