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dispense with

  • 单词发音:英 [ dɪˈspens wɪð ] 美 [ dɪˈspens wɪð ]
  • 基本解释:摒弃, 省掉;摈除;离
  • dispense with 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 摒弃, 省掉
  • 摈除

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  • Shall we dispense with the bullshit, Mr. ambassador
    咱们还是废话少说好吗, 大使先生?
  • The accused decided to dispense with the services of a lawyer.
  • We shall have to dispense with the computer, we can't afford it.
  • To attain certain heights, intimacy cannot dispense with the anxieties of vice.
    要到达一定高度, 就必须与对邪恶的焦虑同行。
  • All right, let's dispense with the friendly banter. I believe you know why I'm here.
  • Protest is dispensed with by any circumstance which would dispense with notice of dishonour.
  • We will dispense with that, and instead concentrate on the Points pattern that I came up with.
  • The Obama administration may have to dispense with the usual bag of carrots and sticks, however.
  • It was impossible Monseigneur to dispense with one of these attendants on the chocolate and hold his high place under the admiring Heavens.
  • Worn with a small screen attached to a headset, it will let aircraft maintenance technicians, for instance, dispense with heavy manuals when they 're working in tight corners.

dispense with的近反义词




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