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conditioned response

  • 单词发音:英 [ kənˈdiʃənd riˈspɔns ] 美 [ kənˈdɪʃənd rɪˈspɑns ]
  • 基本解释:条件反应
  • conditioned response 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 条件反应

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  • anticipatory conditioned response.
  • Exhibiting or trained to exhibit a conditioned response.
  • In this case, the movie is the bell and sleep is the conditioned response.
    既然这样, 电影就相当于是铃铛, 而睡觉变成了一种条件反射。
  • How do you make conditioned stimulus, conditioned response things go away?
    如何令条件刺激, 条件反应消失呢?
  • a conditioned response that anticipates the occurrence of an aversive stimulus.
  • And it says the conditioned response may be different from the unconditioned response.
  • And now it's known as the conditioned stimulus giving rise to the conditioned response.
    这就是所谓得, 条件刺激引起了条件反应。
  • This conditioned response underlies the drive both in drug addiction and compulsive eating.
  • The decline of a conditioned response following repeated exposure to the conditioned stimulus.
  • But what happens through learning is that another association develops that between the conditioned stimulus and the conditioned response.
    但学习会在条件刺激与条件反应之间, 建立起另一种联结。




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