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corrosive water

  • 单词发音:英 [ kəˈrəʊsɪv ˈwɔ:tə ] 美 [ kəˈrosɪv ˈwɔtɚ ]
  • 基本解释:腐蚀性水,侵蚀性水
  • corrosive water 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 腐蚀性水,侵蚀性水

corrosive water 相关例句更多>

  • the corrosive effects of salt water
  • Water, oil, organic solvent and weak corrosive fluid.
    水, 油, 有机溶剂及其它弱腐蚀性溶液。
  • Medium water, polluted water, oil and weak corrosive liquid.
  • The poisonous water with corrosive is discharged from the warehouse of chemical product.
  • Corrosive cause and its countermeasures to the boiler smoke pipes and water cooling wall pipes
  • Oxygenizing experiment for relaxation of sulfide corrosive in circulating oilfield injection water
  • Oil field water injection pump in accordance with the corrosive medium, using different materials pump.
    油田注水泵根据介质得腐蚀性, 泵采用不同得材质。
  • Research of Mutual Influence between Coagulation and Scale and Corrosive Inhibitors for Washing Water of Blast Furnace Gas
  • Waste water from oil field presents high salinity and strong corrosiveness, and will be a serious corrosive medium to pipeline.
    油田污水矿化度高, 腐蚀性强, 对管道的腐蚀相当严重。




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