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fall in between

  • 单词发音:英 [ fɔ:l in biˈtwi:n ] 美 [ fɔl ɪn bɪˈtwin ]
  • 基本解释:介于两者之间
  • fall in between 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 介于两者之间

fall in between 相关例句更多>

  • fall in between.
  • How does the parable of the Cave fall in with the distinction between knowledge and belief ?
  • In this problem, Neoconfucianists fall into straits, because Neoconfucianists preinstall the dual antithesis between the subjective and objective.
    在这个问题上, 新儒家由于主客二元分立的立场陷入困境。
  • The muttonchops were brought in hot and hot between two plates and smelt very nice. People fall in love with the circled golden woollen carpet at first sight Because of its unique design.




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