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prior to

  • 单词发音:英 [ ˈpraɪə(r) tu ] 美 [ ˈpraɪər tu ]
  • 基本解释:在…之前
  • prior to 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 在…之前

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  • Party A's right to reject prior to acceptance of goods.
  • a stand to support a corpse or a coffin prior to burial.
  • To assist absorption, rinse mouth with water prior to dosing.
    为了有助于吸收, 请在使用顺势产品前, 先用清水漱口。
  • Abortion refers to the interruption of pregnancy prior to the 5 th month.
  • Abortion refers to the interruption of pregnancy prior to the 7 th month.
  • You will have to arrange for your own transport and accommodation prior to attending any Olympic sessions.
  • Prior to having access to these analytic functions, questions of this nature were extremely difficult to answer.
    在未使用这些分析函数之前, 很难对此类问题做出回答。
  • Applicant needs to pay for the lunch fee to DA prior to the open water training session or no food will be provided.
  • The Player agrees to read this Agreement from the website each and every time in full, prior to connecting to the game server.
  • Under the condition of late seedling, the seedling transplanting cotton was prior to the field cultivation, but not benefit to the cotton seed protein accumulation.




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