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part with

  • 单词发音:英 [ pɑ:t wið ] 美 [ pɑrt wɪð ]
  • 基本解释:失去, 卖掉[付出]…, 与…分开;割舍
  • part with 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 失去, 卖掉[付出]…, 与…分开
  • 割舍

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  • Do not part with the shares on any account.
  • Walking between meet with you and part with you
  • If you go shopping, only get what you can afford part with.
  • First, gently clean the amputated part with water or saline.
  • I have a pool of money I can afford to part with here in Argentina.
  • Issue spare part with first in first out principle, keep spare part tidy.
    发料时做到先进先出, 保证仓库货物的整齐堆放。
  • I was heartbroken at having to part with my new car, but I just couldn't afford it.
  • He has parted with his house, but he would not part with his heirloom for the world. So I can't sell it cheaply.
  • It was Passepartout who, playing his part with a happy audacity, had passed through the crowd amid the general terror.
    正是他, 若无其事地走过那一片被吓昏了的人群。
  • Ah, high mountain is always green, And gully water is always blue. The lass will never part with the lad, Blue water always winds around green mountain.

part with的近反义词




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