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gain momentum

  • 基本解释:获得动力

gain momentum 相关例句更多>

  • Bounce your body in an attempt to gain momentum.
  • So ultimately, this film has already started to gain a lot of momentum.
    最后 这部电影已经收到了广泛的关注
  • We expect that the recovery will only gradually gain momentum and that economic slack will diminish slowly.
    我们唯有期望经济逐渐复苏, 疲软慢慢消失。
  • Bernanke also said the recovery will gain momentum only gradually and that economic slack will decline slowly.
  • Mr. Brown said he hopes to gain new momentum for the special relationship between Britain and the United States.
    布朗先生说, 他希望英美之间的特殊关系获得新的动力。




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