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with reference to

  • 单词发音:英 [ wɪð ˈrefrəns tu ] 美 [ wɪð ˈrefrəns tu ]
  • 基本解释:关于
  • with reference to 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 副词(adv.) 关于

with reference to 相关例句更多>

  • You saw one reference to that in what we were able to do with AIDS drugs.
  • Overdue accounts receivable bear interest with reference to the Hong Kong dollar prime rate.
  • The distribution of the lumbar plexus with reference to the markers at each lumbar segment was analyzed.
  • Hereinafter, modes for carrying out the present invention are described with reference to the accompanying drawings.
    在下文中, 将参考附图说明用于实现本发明的模式。
  • In the following some embodiments of the present invention will be described with reference to the accompanying figures.
    在下述内容中, 将参照附图描述本发明的一些实施例。
  • In the preceding description, various exemplary embodiments have been described with reference to the accompanying drawings.
    在上面的说明中, 已经参考附图描述了各个示例性实施例。
  • Article17.2 addresses scientific and technical information exchange with specific reference to indigenous and traditional knowledge.
  • The administration of the work with respect to experimental animals in the armed forces shall be governed with reference to these Regulations.
  • An Approach to Remediation of Secondary Salinization of the Soils in the Protected Watermelon Cultivation with Special Reference to the Mixing of Alien Earth
  • She tackles the topics which come her way large and small, intense and light-hearted with equal parts of serious advice, reference to social and psychological experts, and a good helping of wit.

with reference to的近反义词




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