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start from scratch

  • 单词发音:英 [ stɑ:t frɔm skrætʃ ] 美 [ stɑrt frʌm skrætʃ ]
  • 基本解释:从起跑线开始,从头开始;万丈高楼平地起;白手起家;赤手成家
  • start from scratch 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 动词(v.) 从起跑线开始,从头开始
  • 动词(v.) 万丈高楼平地起
  • 动词(v.) 白手起家
  • 动词(v.) 赤手成家

start from scratch 相关例句更多>

  • This is a new era and we all start from scratch.
  • My network had been crushed and I had to start from scratch.
  • How do start from scratch ?profit to the first barrels of gold ?
  • If you had to start from scratch, let's say you go out into the countryside.
  • Throw caution to the wind, in case of failure, we just start from scratch again.
  • Green Square Park, the last old one burned in the fire, people's fate to start from scratch.
    园青坊老宅最后在大火中烧毁了, 人们的命运必须从头开始。
  • The new paint wont adhere to the walls so Ill have to strip it all off and start from scratch.
  • Start from scratch and for more than ten years, take infinite pains and cast brilliantly today.
    白手起家拼搏十余载, 呕心沥血铸就辉煌在今朝。
  • The tile I put on my wall are all crooked so I've decided to take them down and start from scratch.
  • Very few project teams have the benefit of being able to start from scratch, something often referred to as greenfield development.




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