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not necessarily

  • 单词发音:英 [ nɔt ˈnesisərili ] 美 [ nɑt ˌnɛsɪˈsɛrəli ]
  • 基本解释:未必,不一定;不见得
  • not necessarily 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 未必,不一定
  • 不见得

not necessarily 相关例句更多>

  • I leave not necessarily do not protect. The protection is not the fetter.
    莪离开吥一定就吥守护, 守护乜吥是束缚。
  • This is not evidence of dishonesty, and it is not necessarily a bad thing.
  • It added that this did not necessarily mean the aircraft was not safe to fly.
    声明还称, 这不一定意味着客机飞行不安全。
  • Setting one up is not so easy and consolidating it is not necessarily so hard.
  • Not necessarily. Big is not always ugly just as small is not always beautiful.
  • I said, I also try just learning is not very proficient in, not necessarily can fix.
    我说试试吧, 我也是刚学的不是很精通, 不一定能搞定。
  • However the crest of wave does not tighten, the chatroom not necessarily can restore.
  • Wealth is not necessarily synonymous with generosity, IE Rich people are not always generous.
  • Discrete data is not necessarily homogeneous, and discrete selection is not necessarily contiguous.
  • But metamorphosis does not necessarily beautiful, caterpillar change is not necessarily the butterfly, right?
    但蜕变不一定美丽, 毛毛虫变的不一定是蝴蝶, 对不对?




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