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all of a sudden

  • 单词发音:英 [ ɔːl ɒv ə ˈsʌdn ] 美 [ ɔːl əv ə ˈsʌdn ]
  • 基本解释:突然地,突如其来地,猛然地;恍
  • all of a sudden 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 突然地,突如其来地,猛然地

all of a sudden 相关例句更多>

  • All of a sudden this dude is all up on me.
  • All of a sudden, I found a green belt Almost.
    突然, 我发现了那片绿化带。
  • Some time ago, all of a sudden stop for a week.
  • All of a sudden, opened a medicine, all croton.
  • All of a sudden, Alice had a gleeful look in her eye.
  • All grievances, all of a sudden on the collapse of the sad.
  • Then, all of a sudden, all three chips disappear from his hands.
    紧接着, 三个筹码突然从他的手上消失了。
  • Every time he and I are not the expression of the state, is all of a sudden or accidental.
    他每次都在我没表情的状态的出现, 是突然还是偶然。
  • Life between heaven and earth is like a white pony's shadow across a crevice. Time passes quickly all of a sudden.
  • She hasn’t been acting like herself lately and now all of a sudden she told me she wants some space and that she needs time to figure things out. I guess nice guys really do finish last.




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