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regardless of

  • 单词发音:英 [ rɪˈɡɑːdləs əv ] 美 [ rɪˈɡɑːrdləs əv ]
  • 基本解释:不管, 不顾;无;不拘
  • regardless of 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 不管, 不顾
  • 不拘

regardless of 相关例句更多>

  • Parameter as a block of bytes, regardless of its actual type.
    参数视为字节块, 不论它们的实际类型是什么。
  • Everybody, regardless of party, will get a piece of the action.
    无分派别, 人人都将获得利益。
  • This is accomplished regardless of platform and physical location of the users.
  • The result of adding two numbers is the same regardless of the order of the addition.
    两数相加, 不管加法的次序如何, 其结果相同。
  • However, regardless of very strong acceleration several parts of the basin did not liquefy.
  • Each has the possibility of ascending to a certain level in adult form regardless of genealogy.
  • If you remarry in another situation, regardless of the cultural acceptance of it, you commit adultery.
  • The icon is always positioned to the left side of the panels text regardless of how the text is aligned.
  • This means that there is at least some level of taxonomy available to all aggregated content, regardless of the source.
    这意味不管信息来自哪里, 都在某种程度上进行了分类。
  • The size of the deductions would be the same regardless of the actual cost of the insurance provided by employers or purchased privately.

regardless of的近反义词




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