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call in

  • 单词发音:英 [ ˈkɔːl ɪn ] 美 [ ˈkɔːl ɪn ]
  • 基本解释:叫(某人)进来;来访;找[请]来;用电话通知
  • call in 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 叫(某人)进来
  • 来访
  • 找[请]来
  • 用电话通知

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call in 相关例句更多>

  • I call in question the accuracy of these figures.
  • In those days, they couldn't afford to call in a doctor.
  • You could call in the twelve guys who had access to the report.
  • If he makes a Call in this moment, will it be considered as an STS Call ?
    突然, 他被一群饿狼围住了。
  • The Airstrike ability will set down a beacon that will call in an airstrike when activated.
  • Locals in the diet, the right to eat pasta quite particular about a certain call in advance about.
  • The hoot owl continued its call in the distance, and the night breeze rustled the leaves in the trees.
  • The pilot could then call in ground attack aircraft operating in conjunction with him to attack those troops.
  • In theory, parliament could invoke powers to implement curfews, use water canons or even call in the armed forces.
    理论上, 议会可以宣布实施宵禁, 动用高压水炮, 甚至召集军队。
  • Developed by Friendlyway AG and shop-fitters Hansa Kontor Group, Friend@Call uses sensors to detect puzzled shoppers who pause in front of particular products.




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