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at least

  • 单词发音:英 [ æt liːst ] 美 [ æt liːst ]
  • 基本解释:至少
  • at least 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 副词(adv.) 至少
  • 无论如何,反正

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at least 相关例句更多>

  • Brush at least twice and floss at least once daily.
  • At the moment, It'seems clear at Intel at least, there's no need.
  • but at some point they had to at least suggest the abject nature of the bestial desire.
  • and at least one corona ring arranged to at least partly surround one of the terminals.
  • So, Buck is saying here that he expects people to be at least civil or to at least be civil.
    因此, 巴克在这里说, 他期望人们至少要有礼貌。
  • The hydrogel composition is linked to the at least one reservoir via the at least one aperture.
  • At least 10 years relevant experience in a manufacturing environment with at least 5 years at managerial level.
  • That followed the Old Trafford melee, the aftermath of which at least served to concentrate minds at Highbury on the task at hand.
  • The image of the United States could scarcely be at a lower ebb. But in Asia, at least, anger at the U. S. may be turning to sorrow.
  • Make a plan for visiting the exhibition, with at least 3 purposes. work out plans for visits and exhibition participation, specifying at least




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