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make progress

  • 单词发音:英 [ meɪk ˈprəʊɡres ] 美 [ meɪk ˈprɑːɡres ]
  • 基本解释:前进,进步;向上
  • make progress 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 前进,进步
  • 向上

make progress 相关例句更多>

  • According as you are studying now, you won't make progress.
  • Many people agree they make progress by singing English songs.
  • Since I can make progress, I firmly believe you can also make it.
    既然我可以取得进步, 大家也一定行, 我坚信。
  • Anyone who want to make progress should be free fromarrogance and rashness.
  • My job is to actually make sure that we make progress on all of these disorders.
    我的工作是確保在這所有疾病上 取得進展
  • Only by rejecting obsolete administrative ideas can we make progress in business.
  • Nations should strive to make progress and advance bravely towards a greater unity.
  • I hope I can make some achievements here and make progress with all of you together.
  • The Basis, Mechanism and Channels of Achieve the Goal of Make Progress with Time Past
    论与时俱进的根据, 机制和实现途径
  • If you really want to make progress in your studies, you should make a desperate effort in learning basic knowledge.




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