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wash face

  • 基本解释:洗脸

wash face 相关例句更多>

  • Can toothpaste wash a face Why ah.
  • I was actually looking for a face wash.
    也不全是, 我在找洗面奶。
  • Wear gloves and a face mask, and wash your hands afterward.
    戴上手套和口罩, 并在事后洗手。
  • Use it as a daily face wash and splash with cold water afterwards.
  • Wash a face what to advantage and disadvantage there are with salt ?
  • Only bath is shown and wash his hands fluid, take to wash a face ?Why ?
  • Drink more water, wash face, if not really be a grey rabbit but not white rabbit!
  • Assumed by the face wash to wash good, lest you good morning, do not post here the.
    假设靠洗面就洗好的话, 生怕你就早好了, 不用在这里发帖了。
  • When I get up in the morning, I will wash my face and brush my teeth. After using the toilet, I will always wash my hands.
  • Final , wash the in the face surpluss clean with Shimizu to shave the beard to lubricate, use towel to wipe face dry again.
    最后, 用清水洗净脸上剩余的剃须膏, 再用毛巾擦干脸。




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