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far away from

  • 单词发音:英 [ fɑ: əˈwei frɔm ] 美 [ fɑr əˈwe frʌm ]
  • 基本解释:远离;离…远
  • far away from 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 远离;离…远

far away from 相关例句更多>

  • Two hearts far far away from each other, couldn't get close.
    两颗相距过远的心, 无法靠近。
  • I went away, far away from your world, far away from my heart!
    我离开了, 远离你的世界, 远离自己的心!
  • Yennenga was now alone in the middle of the forest, far, far away from Gambaga.
  • This interview shows how far those people are far away from any heavenly teachings.
  • Humans have fallen far far away from a holographic truth that resonates with earth.
  • They were taken away from their parents and friends and also far away from the nature.
  • Naturally, passenger tricycle, or a motorcycle in my life is very far away from very far.
    理所当然, 载客的三轮车, 或者摩托车就离我的生活很远很远。
  • Your chosen address is so far away from downtown, so the access for traffic is quite inconvenient.
  • Qinhuangdao occupation Tec far away from Hebei for how far the foreign language occupation academy is?
  • Study on Drainage of Relieved Methane from Overlying Coal Seam Far Away from the Protective Seam by Surface Well.




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