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And you

  • 基本解释:还有你

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  • You twirl and you twirl and you twirl and you stop.
  • And you cant be alone and you cant let it go and you cant lose
    你不能孤独地活着, 不能释怀, 没法拜托
  • And you got me and you got Emmett and you got the magic purse!
  • And you showed up and you kissed me and you ruined everything.
  • And you're my man and you know that. you're amazing. I love you.
  • And you stop, and you get out of your car and you take a picture.
  • And you hurt, and you live with it, and you sinking down, and you suffered.
  • And you saw an example where you if you mix chloroform and acetone, you get a negative deviation.
  • and you cloned it, and you did it over and over and over again, you'd have a room full of mosquitoes.
    克隆一把,重复做这件事 你只能得到一屋子的蚊子
  • You're putting yourself, you're binding yourself, and you're weaseling your way out of it, and then you're beating yourself up afterwards.
    你把自己绑起来 然后耍个手段逃脱了 然后事后就痛打自己




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