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lubricating can

  • 基本解释:润滑油罐[油桶]
  • lubricating can 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 润滑油罐[油桶]

lubricating can 相关例句更多>

  • The filling machine can be used lubricating oil, edible oil and other oil filling.
    该灌装机可应用于润滑油, 食用油等油类得灌装。
  • Fully automatic lubricating system can assure long life of parts, and reduce the noise when sewing.
    自动加油设计, 降低零件的损耗, 减少车缝时所产生的噪音。
  • A certain degree of calendering operation can be satisfied without the user adding lubricating agent.
  • With proper process binary metal adipates can be used to formulate lubricating greases with high drop points.




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