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to the pay of

  • 基本解释:付的钱
  • to the pay of 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 受……雇用
  • 逼真的,惟妙惟肖的

to the pay of 相关例句更多>

  • Pay more attention to the harm of acid rain in Huaihe areas
  • The terms of mortgages need to be adjusted to the homeowners'ability to pay.
  • In the absence of guarantees to pay the amount of interest can not be deducted.
  • The Institute will pay fees according to the contract of engagement enclosed herewith.
  • Even the attempts to supplant it pay IQ the tribute of accepting its frame of reference.
  • The countries that abound in aquatic resources pay much attention to the development of aquaculture.
  • The depreciation of sterling is adding to imported cost pressures, but pay pressures continue to wane.
    英镑贬值增加进口成本压力, 但薪资压力继续消退。
  • a cheque is an instruction in writing from the account holder to the bank to pay out a sum of money from the account.
    他开出一张1, 000美元的支票并将其给了秘书。
  • A number of countries propose to address the issue of equal pay and reconciliation of family and work responsibilities.
  • As we didn't pay enough attention to daily management, the accumulation of little errors for so long has finally led to a huge blunder.




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