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sketch paper

  • 基本解释:素描纸
  • sketch paper 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 素描纸
  • v.,adv.(v.,adv.) 画出……的轮廓

sketch paper 相关例句更多>

  • Rough Sketch on Paper Became a Whale Bone Thimble
  • The aim of this paper is to sketch a picture of politeness from the perspective of the theory of territory of information.
  • In order to conveniently place the paper and the sketch clamp device, the lower cover is horizontally provided with a gripping surface.
    为方便放置纸张和夹稿器, 下盖有水平夹持面。
  • Its much easier to do a quick sketch on a piece of paper or draw a diagram on a whiteboard than to try to do the the same on your computer.




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