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savings bank

  • 单词发音:英 [ ˈseiviŋz bæŋk ] 美 [ ˈsevɪŋz bæŋk ]
  • 基本解释:储蓄银行
  • savings bank 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 储蓄银行

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savings bank 相关例句更多>

  • The real-estate loan sponged up most of my savings in the bank.
  • Every savings bank is installed with an automatic warning device.
  • Rob a bank rob a man of his savings by selling him worthless securities.
  • To replenish its loanable funds, the bank is trying hard to set up savings offices.
    为了补充其可贷资金, 该行正在努力建立储蓄所。
  • Increases in both the rate of savings, and bank loans is healthy for economic growth.
  • Charlotte is given a piggy bank by her aunt, who also puts in a coin to start her savings.
  • We do not need to be rich in order to share in Gods work or to put savings into heavens bank.
  • Plus, the reduction amounted to under a hundredth of a percent of total bank savings of15.8 trillion yuan.
    而且, 10月份减少的幅度还不到15。8万亿元额的万分之一。
  • The old city Chang Ling savings bank is robbed, after the highway robber wields the gun company to kill seven people, makes a getaway.
    古城常陵的储蓄所被抢劫, 劫匪挥枪连杀七人后逃之夭夭。




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