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set of

  • 单词发音:英 [ set ɔv ] 美 [ sɛt ʌv ]
  • 基本解释:一套…
  • set of 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 一套…

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  • This course features a set of readings, as well as a full set of assignments.
  • The flaws on this piece of jade do not affect the value of the entire set of jade.
  • Set aside a special set of cloth towels napkins which you can just wash and reuse.
  • One Advanced Calculation Method for the Least Cut Set and Least Path Set of Fault Tree
  • Copy of beneficiarys fax of one set of non negotiable documents addressed to applicant.
    传真所有单据给开证申请人, 同时做一张证明随单据交单。
  • A Vector Algorithm Research on the Construction of the Convex Hull of a Set of Planar Point
  • For ensure the quality achieved request of both side, specific set of this agreement, and abide it all of us.
  • A batch version of this operation would contain an array of the set of inputs and an array of the set of outputs.
  • I've collected a set of special stamps issued on the tenth anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.
  • In order to commend those artists and excellent workers who have made distinguished contributions to modern drama, the post office issued a set of commemorative stamps for the 100th anniversary of the birth of modern Chinese drama.




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