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quite a few

  • 单词发音:英 [ kwait ə fju: ] 美 [ kwaɪt e fju ]
  • 基本解释:相当多
  • quite a few 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 相当多

quite a few 相关例句更多>

  • There are quite a few aborigines.
  • He is said to be able to speak quite a few language.
  • A recent trend is the advent of quite a few lab companies.
  • Quite a few years ago, a friend of mine had breast augmentation surgery.
  • This is a rugged and barren landscape, yet there are quite a few spiders here.
    这里的地势崎岖不平,且贫瘠 存在相当数量的蜘蛛
  • Quite a few things, actually. Firstly, how many lectures a week do I have to Attend ?
    实际上有很多。首先, 我一个星期要听多少堂课?
  • Though the composition has quite a few mistakes in wording, It'shows a great approach.
    这篇作文有不少讹舛, 但立意还不错。
  • Though the composition has quite a few mistakes in wording, it shows a great approach.
  • There are quite a few methods of repairing the nasal alar defect, but few are satisfactory.
  • Quite a few local regulations have a strong inclination of departmental benefit in practice.




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