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plenty of

  • 单词发音:英 [ ˈplenti ɒv ] 美 [ ˈplenti əv ]
  • 基本解释:很多,大量的
  • plenty of 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 很多,大量的

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  • True, there are plenty of agnostics in the foxholes of solitude.
  • Plenty of expansions and new projects have been abandoned of late.
  • And it is true that there are plenty of examples of European acquiescence.
  • His snoring was like the plot of a good action movie, with plenty of rising action.
    他的鼾声堪比一部动作大片, 充满精彩情节。
  • But plenty of people in Congress and the administration are wary of charging ahead.
  • Dark fruit, plenty of alcohol, very smooth icing, with a small amount of decoration.
  • Experts say there was plenty of warning that the Horn of Africa was likely to experience severe drought.
    专家们说, 有大量的警告, 非洲之角可能遇到严重干旱。
  • the genus aconitum l. , containing plenty of species , is one of the very important medicinal plants in china.
    乌头属植物物种极为丰富, 是我国重要的药用植物之一。
  • The domestic cargo department has took plenty of historic responsibilities of fund accumulation and expanding border.
  • In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Get medical aid immediately.
    直接用大量的流动清水冲洗至少15分钟, 并及时送医治疗




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