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on the bottom

  • 单词发音:英 [ ɔn ðə ˈbɔtəm ] 美 [ ɑn ði ˈbɑtəm ]
  • 基本解释:在底部
  • on the bottom 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 在底部

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  • Aligns the text on the bottom of the bounding rectangle.
  • Lower the heat and allow the omelet to set on the bottom.
  • The toe ring is fully adjustable with an opening on the bottom.
  • were on the bottom of the ocean, alive, but now being thrown back as trash.
  • For some pumps, a cooling chamber additionally be mounted on the bottom of the bearing body.
  • At least one acceleration and displacement sensor is provided on the bottom of the storage chest.
  • The rice is paid for by the advertisers whose names you see on the bottom of your vocabulary screen.
    广告商, 你可以在词汇的底部看到他们的广告。
  • The accelerant pattern on the bottom of Luke's shoes, various petroleum distillate, including toluene ?
    鞋底助燃剂得痕迹是一些石油淋馏出液, 包括甲苯?
  • There is now a built in Stopwatch and Alarm clock feature that can be found on the bottom of the minimap.
  • A bowl with the rice wine, on the bottom of the refrigerator , General 3 days you can smell addition to the net.
    与一碗米酒对冰箱底部, 一般3天可以闻除净。




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