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much less

  • 单词发音:英 [ mʌtʃ les ] 美 [ mʌtʃ lɛs ]
  • 基本解释:更不用说;何况
  • much less 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 更不用说
  • 何况

much less 相关例句更多>

  • It's much easier to use, much less painful.
    既方便 有减少了痛苦
  • Exogamy remains much less prevalent among African Americans.
  • Dictatorship is much less likely to be optimal for advanced economies.
  • The acute toxicity of isoproterenol is much less than that of epinephrine.
  • She stands out so much less than her sister, a shadow of someone much stronger.
  • People who suffer from avarice spend much less and save much more than they should.
  • In America, one should never admit to having committed adultery, much less having enjoyed it.
    在美国, 人们绝不能承认有通奸行为, 更不用提享受通奸了。
  • It is absolutely true that a wooden boat cannot compare with a steamer, much less than airplane.
  • People tend to use telegraph service much less than before owing to more advanced communicative means.
    因为信息技术越来越发达, 人们越来越少使用电报业务。
  • The odds against this sentence having ever being typed, much less the odds against you reading it were inconceivable.




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