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Upper World

  • 基本解释:上界
  • Upper World 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 上界

Upper World 相关例句更多>

  • Atlas uses his hand to take Kratos back up to the upper world.
  • He would need, then, accustomed before he could see things in that upper world.
    这时, 他需要时间适应, 使自己能够看清上面世界得事物。
  • venomous Old World snakes characterized by hollow venomconducting fangs in the upper jaw.
  • Fig. 1 Comparison of climatic niche for upper limit and lo wer limit of world beech species.
  • Its called the Upper Peninsula and is a world apart from that veritable beehive of productivity to the south.
  • With maximal the most beautiful one readjusting oneself to a certain extent attentive upper, in the world all revolve thereupon no longer.
    把一颗最大最美的放在心上, 于是世上的一切不再旋转。




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