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  • 单词发音:英 [ krɪsp ] 美 [ krɪsp ]
  • 基本解释:脆的;凉爽的;挺括的;咯吱作响的;清晰分明的;简短干脆的
  • crisp 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 形容词(adj.) 脆的
  • 形容词(adj.) 凉爽的
  • 形容词(adj.) 挺括的
  • 形容词(adj.) 咯吱作响的
  • 形容词(adj.) 清晰分明的
  • 形容词(adj.) 简短干脆的
  • 名词(n.) 炸薯片
  • 动词(v.) (使)变脆
  • crisp 大小写变形: CRISPCrisp
  • crisp 词态变化: 复数: crisps第三人称单数: crisps过去式: crisped过去分词: crisped现在分词: crisping比较级: crisper最高级: crispest副词: crisply名词: crispness


  • CRISP call, response, information and service program 呼叫
  • Crisp [人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 克里斯普绰号,卷发男子,来源于古英语
  • crisps <英>炸马铃薯片( crisp的名词复数 )
  • crispin 鞋匠
  • crisply 酥脆地,爽快地
  • Crispus [男子名] 克里斯珀斯 Crispin的变体
  • Crispin [男子名] [英格兰人姓氏] 克里斯平来源于中世纪英语+古法语教名,含义是“卷发的”(curlyhaired)
  • crispest 脆的( crisp的最高级 )
  • crispness 易碎,精神愉快

crisp 相关例句更多>

  • But today our passing wasn't crisp, quick or accurate enough.
  • Short, crisp sentences in a language accessible to lay people.
    那些简短的 干净利落的句子更容易让非专业人士接受。
  • Crisp apple with dark red skin. Pie crust should be crisp and golden brown.
    暗红色果皮的脆苹果。馅饼的皮应该松脆, 色泽金黄。
  • Crisp acidity adds freshness, making this an absolutely delicious Sauternes.
  • Lake Qishan crisp silver supine drunk like fish, gill long crisp tender flavor.
  • Its population crisp and sweet, crisp and fragrant rosy purple in color, superior flavor.
    其人口脆而甜, 酥而香, 紫里透红, 色味俱佳。
  • The thin and crisp pancake with Italian flavour is crisp, fragrant and pleasant to taste.
  • A clean lively palate supported on a seamless texture with a refreshing fruit accent and crisp acidity.
  • Usage clean the face, after crisp the skin, then daub appropriate amount on face, massage lighly till absorbed.
    用法早晚洁面爽肤后, 取适量涂抹于面部, 轻轻按摩至吸收。
  • Usage After crisp skin, takes right amount spreads gently in the face and the pate, whips gently until the flesh absorption.
    浅表淋巴结颈部, 双侧腋窝及腹股沟淋巴结无肿大。





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