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包含 pcc 的所有单词列表

cppccChinesePeople'sPolit.. ppccPeople'sPoliticalCon.. spccSocietyforthePrevens.. BPCCbilateralpercutaneou.. CPCCCentralPiedmontCommu.. HEPCCHeavy Electrical Plant Consultative Council <英国>重型电气装置顾问委员会 ICPCCPIllinois Council of Public Community College Presidents 伊利诺斯公共社区大学校长理事会 MPCC[计]= MicroProcessor Control Circuit,微处理机控制电路 NIPCC[医][=National Industrial Pollution Control Council]全国工业污染控制委员会 PCCPhotocell Counter Chronometer 光电管计数计时器 RPCCReactorPhysicsConsta.. WPCCWageandPriceControlC.. ASPCCAmerican Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children 美国防止虐待儿童协会 HPCC高性能计算和通信 LPCCLambPromotionCoordin.. NSPCC<英>全国防止虐待儿童协会 PCCA[计]= Physical Configuration Communication Area,物理配置通信区 PCCBProduct Coordination and Control Board 产品协调与控制委员会 PCCCPakistanCentralCotto.. PCCDPACECenterforCareerD.. PCCIpersonal computer card instruments 个人计算机卡式仪器 PCCMPermanentConsultativ.. PCCNProvisioning Contract Control Number; Port... PCCRPublishing Center for Cultural Resources 文化娱乐出版中心 PCCTPercept and Concept Cognition Test 知觉与概念认识测验 PCCU[医]胚胎癌细胞系 PCCDSPatrol Craft Combat Directory System; Patr... PCCNYPenal Code of the City of New York <纽约城刑事法> pcclotprotein C activity 活性蛋白质C PCCEMRSPPermanent Commission for the Conservation and Exploitation of the Maritime Resources of the South Pacific 南太平洋海洋资源保护和开发常设委员会 PPCCPeople's Political Consultative Conference (中国)人民政治协商会议 PPcc每立米厘米颗粒数;颗粒数/立方厘米 SPCCSociety for the Prevension of Cruelty to Children 英国防止儿童虐待协会 SpCCspindle cell carcinoma 梭形细胞癌 pccuprogressive coronary care unit 进行性动脉病变护理病房 PcCrphosphocyclocreatine 环磷酸肌酸,磷环肌酸 PCcMparenchymal cell conditioned medium 实质细胞条件培养基 lpcclow-pressure combustion chamber 低压燃烧室 hpcchigh pressure combustion chamber 高压燃烧室 pccphosphatecarriercomp.. pCcpure Colombian cocaine 纯正的哥伦比亚可卡因



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