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包含 IPD 的所有单词列表

klipdasn.野兔,蹄兔 FIPDFellow of the Institute of Professional Designers 专业设计者协会会员 IPDInsertion Phase Delay 插入相位延迟 klipdassie岩狸 ShipDTOship on depot transfer order 船舶在补给站的调度次序 IPDAinferiorpancreaticod.. IPDCInternationalProgram.. IPDDIntegrated Product Design and Development... IPDPintervals of pulsations of diminishing period 减弱期的脉动间隔 IPDRInternet Protocol Detail Record Organization... IPDSimageryprocessingand.. UIPDUlrich's International Perindicals Directory... ipdinsertion phase delay 插入相位延迟



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