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包含 HPS 的所有单词列表

AAHPSAustralian Association for the History and Philosophy of Science 澳大利亚科学史与科学哲学联合会 HPSHazardous Polluting Substance 危险污染物质 mphps[医][=miles per hour per second]英里/小时/秒 ahpsauxiliary hydraulic power supply 辅助水力供应 HPSG[计]= head-driven phrase structure grammar,中心词驱动短语结构文法 HPSK混合移相键控 Hpscheading per standard compass 按标准罗经艏向 hpsnhot-pressed silicon nitride 热压硅氮化物 hpstharpist 竖琴师 HPSCIHouse Permenant Select Committee; House Per... Hpstgcheading per steering compass 按加强罗经艏向 HPSN[医][=hereditary pressure sensitive neuropathy]遗传性压力敏感神经病 AHPsadult hippocampus-derived progenitors 成年大鼠海马源性祖细胞 AHPSamblyopic hysteric paralysis syndrome 弱视性癔病性麻痹综合征 hpshigh-pressuresteam高压..



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