Their speculation borrows from evolutionary theory. 他们的猜测有进化理论的依据。
Most chemists are not experts in evolutionary theory. 大多数化学家也不是演化理论的专家。
Is this the right interpretation of evolutionary theory? 这是不是一种关于进化理论的正确解读?
Fossils provided further confirmation of the evolutionary theory. 化石进一步证实了进化论。
Yet, Provine is not willing to rule out our evolutionary theory either. 然而,普罗万也不愿意排除我们的进化说。
Observations that provided the foundation for the edifice of evolutionary theory. 观察为进化论的理论大厦打下了基础。
Modern evolutionary theory has demanded and received almost universal acceptance in the world. 现代进化论迫需要世人认同,而世人也认同了该理论。
A quite different kind of evidence for my hypothesis is its consilience with evolutionary theory. 对这个假说的另一种证据是,这符合进化论。
The nonspecialist will be able to obtain at least a notion of the sorts of data and argument that support evolutionary theory. 非专业人士至少可以了解支持进化论得各种数据和观点。